Instructions ProstEro

Capsules ProstErohow to : using

washing instructions of the capsule with a glass of water

The statement is simple: capsules ProstEro must be taken three times a day for 30 minutes before meals, with a glass of water. Day-to-day take colourless (one-colour) capsule, and in the evening – color (two-tone). The course of treatment is counted in a month. If necessary you can repeat the course after a break of a minimum of two weeks.


Experts in italy recommend taking the medication for the treatment of prostatitis ProstEro if such symptoms:

  • Painful, troublesome, frequent need to urinate;
  • Pain, itching, burning sensation in the crotch area;
  • Muscle pain in the back and the lower part of the back;
  • The decrease of sexual potency, weak erection, poor quality and low duration of the sexual relationship.


Medication for the treatment of prostatitis ProstEro designed for men over the age of 18 years. Not recommended to take:

  • Women;
  • Men under the age of 18 years;
  • With individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Contraindications very little. The drug and harmless to the body and does not cause side effects.